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The solution makers of tomorrow

In order to spark interest in industrial professions among the next generation of skilled workers at an early stage, Semperit repeatedly offers students the opportunity to get to know the world of work on site. This was also the case for the Semperit mentor class of the Neunkirchen Commercial Academy, which recently visited Wimpassing. After a safety briefing in the training workshop, they went straight into production, where Florian Schweiger, Operational Excellence Manager, gave the visitors an insight into the work processes at Semperit. Back in the training workshop, the students gained some hands-on experience with Apprentice Trainer Wolfgang Passini. Supervised by Semperit apprentices, they learned about apprenticeships in a playful way at interactive workstations and put their skills to the test in a screw driving competition. The class’s mentorship of an industrial company from the region is very important to class teacher Florian Köttner because: “Practical orientation is a top priority at our school. The students gain valuable insights into working life and learn first-hand what it takes to be successful.”

Positive feedback like this encourages Semperit in its initiatives for the vocational training of young people. Daniela Graf, Recruiting & Employer Branding Expert at Semperit, sums it up: “We are looking forward to further cooperation with the schools in the area. We want to support the solution makers of tomorrow in their career orientation and attract the best ones to Semperit.”

Daniela Graf, HR Semperit

„We want to win the solution makers of tomorrow for Semperit.”


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